Winning the War for Talent: The Best Companies Use Training


If you haven’t invested in training your team in a while, then it is time to re-think your strategies. Companies are focusing more time and energy on advancing their employees education. Why is that? People Want To Be Invested In Just like you work hard to add value to your customer’s lives, you need to… Read more »

Recruiting Top Talent – Show Them You Have What They Want


What are the best practices to recruit top talent for your company?  How does an employer show talented job seekers that they have what they want? Bottom line, you have to stand out as a company.  The most talented interviewees will be sought after and your window is small to get THE right person to… Read more »

How To Avoid A Workplace Meltdown


Neva Recruiting

Work, high-performance needs, and a demanding pace inevitably become overwhelming at the office. Occasionally, an employee may have a meltdown due to work stress or emotional baggage from their personal life. Either one can cause a volatile or unpleasant situation in the workplace when an employee responds poorly to the circumstances. Be prepared with some… Read more »

4 Ways To Go From Manager To Leader


Process and Procedures Matter

Those that manage a team may or may not be a leader. Being a manager doesn’t automatically mean you are able to lead a team. There is a distinct difference in the two. Managers are those that meet deadlines and get their job done in a timely way. While vital to any company, a manager… Read more »

The Fine Line between Internet Marketing and Spam


Process and Procedures Matter

The Fine Line between Internet Marketing and Spam Savvy business owners who take advantage of Internet marketing realize there is a fine line between marketing and spam and orchestrate their marketing campaigns to gain the maximum amount of exposure without running the risk of being viewed as spam. The definition of spam is open to… Read more »

Leaders: This Is The Secret To Preserving Top Talent


Leaders: This Is The Secret To Preserving Top Talent Securing and keeping top talent is essential to a company’s success. However, it is also extremely difficult to do. Employers need to try and preserve their best employees and these elite people must be strategic in order to stand out as top talent. A Leader’s Requirement… Read more »

Lower the Basket


Neva Recruiting

Lower the Basket In order to improve business operations, you’ll need to acquire the skill of concentration. Companies struggle to make improvements because they are not equipped to move forward as quickly as they’d like and see real growth in the area of operations. Concentration  Businesses strive to be more innovative and organized. They want… Read more »

Leaders Can Be Wrong and Still Be Right


Leaders Can Be Wrong and Still Be Right People spend much of their time trying to be right and working to avoid being wrong at all costs. While this may be ok in some instances, leadership is not one of them. As early as our childhood, we learn that getting in trouble or doing things… Read more »

8 steps to take toward a succession plan


Neva Recruiting

8 steps to take toward a succession plan Close knit organizations or multi-generational family businesses tend to have some similar problems along with benefits. One of the issues that rises to the top, yet is often ignored, is a succession plan. When businesses have a family like management team, then rivalries and personal agendas can… Read more »

Leadership Advice From Chevron CEO John Watson


Process and Procedures Matter

Leadership Advice From Chevron CEO John Watson Leadership advice is passed around, but it is often not well thought out or useful. It seems that there are so many resources but they don’t seem to focus on servanthood in the leadership role. John Watson, the CEO of Chevron, recently shared some excellent tips when it… Read more »